As part of one of my final assignments at university we have to create an e-cookbook. Ebooks are complex because most people have read one in their life and at one point they were believed to be taking over the desire for print books.
After my last blog post where I talked about steps I was following to help me to get a job in publishing, this post is a deeper look into a specific role. Having spoken about book covers and typography I thought I would look closer at book cover design.
As I am drawing to the end of my Publishing Media degree it is time to start looking for a job within the publishing industry. But where do you start!??
My last blog post was all about book covers, the perfect follow onto that was to discuss typography. This is such an integral part of book covers and book design. By using the correct font it can help to portray the right themes and genre of the book.
Very excited about this week’s blog post all about book covers!! If you know me you know how much I adore book covers and design. There are so many different elements that go into making a good cover, the typography, the image and formation of it all. For book cover designers it is no longer as simple as adding some words and a haphazard image on the cover! Book covers changed with the increase in online booksellers such as Amazon as it became vital that the customer could see the cover in small on a screen rather than find it while browsing in a bookshop.
We all use or have used recipes in the past and we all have unique ways to find them. Do you have a family favourite that has been passed down for generations? Do you love finding new ones by trawling through annotated cook books? Or are you like me? - I love using the internet to find exciting new recipes from around the world. There are so many people out there creating wonderful meals but how do you sort through, especially when they are published in so many different formats.